Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bush Vetoes Farm Bill; Kleeb, NDP React

AP reports that President Bush has vetoed the Farm Bill and Nebraska Democrats have been quick on the draw.

Joe Zepecki from the Kleeb campaign sent this via email:
US Senate Candidate Scott Kleeb statement on Bush veto of Farm Bill:

"I urge Congress to override President Bush's veto. While this Farm Bill is not perfect, it is an important step toward the change we need in Washington.

The Farm Bill establishes a permanent disaster relief fund, increases investment in rural economic development, reforms support structures for commodities and livestock and invests in alternative energy development. As Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns failed to get these changes through Congress. I applaud Senator Nelson and Representatives Fortenberry and Smith for supporting this legislation. I only wish Mr. Johanns had worked to get his close friend, President Bush, to sign the bill into law.”
The Nebraska Democratic Party was quick to react as well:

President Bush Vetoes Farm Bill
Action seals Mike Johanns’ failure as Secretary of Agriculture

WASHINGTON, DC – President Bush vetoed the Food, Conservation and Energy Act today, despite its passage with veto-proof majorities in both houses of Congress. The veto promises to delay already overdue legislation that was left in the lurch when Secretary Johanns abandoned his post in President Bush’s cabinet to seek political office.

“Mike Johanns’ legacy of failure as Secretary of Agriculture is now complete,” said Matt Connealy, Executive Director of the Nebraska Democratic Party. “Not only is he responsible for shutting down ten of Nebraska’s FSA offices while increasing his own budget in DC, but he also failed to make the farm bill a priority in the Bush administration. It’s a good thing we can count on Ben Nelson and the Democratic Congress to do what President Bush and Mike Johanns have never done: stand up for Nebraska’s farmers.”

Mike Johanns was Secretary of Agriculture under President Bush from January 2005 to September 2007. He left his position before passage of a farm bill to seek Nebraska’s open Senate seat.
It is a shame that Mike Johanns didn't use his post within the Bush Administration to make Nebraska Farmers a priority. Now they are left with nothing at the hands George Bush and Mike Johanns.

Congress is expected to take up this issue later today and will most likely override the Presidents veto.

Johanns' Farm Bill failure was covered two weeks ago and can be read here.

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