Saturday, May 10, 2008

Jim Esch: If You've Got Money, I've got Time

I'm starting to think that when Richard Carter challenged Jim Esch to a drug test he was on to something. Esch has sent out an email to supporters about his endorsement of part-time Democrat Tony Raimondo.

Esch admitted that his decision was idiotic controversial telling his supporters, "we believe our campaign is sitting pretty well for the primary and thought it was worth the risk to expend a little political capital..."

Cocky as usual, he is throwing his opponent and his supporters aside. Now I am the first admit that Esch is going to win this primary but at what cost? He has fractured his base with the popular Scott Kleeb and created a rift among Nebraska Democrats.

Not to mention that word on the street is that the Nebraska AFL-CIO is furious and considering withdrawing their endorsement of the boy wonder.

So what does Esch get of the deal. He gives us the following reasons:

That's right folks! Money, money, and money. The same Democratic candidate who has only raised money from his mom and dad is hoping to suckle at Raimondo's checkbook. This of course goes beyond the $2,300 Raimondo could donate. He is talking about a coordinated campaign.

You see Jim Esch is no fool. Despite his constant whining that the party didn't help him last cycle, Esch understands that he underperformed in 2006 and the only reason he got so close was because of a reasonably well run coordinated campaign led by Sen. Nelson. In the email he continues to blame Sen. Nelson and the Democratic Party for his lose. Yeah, it didn't have anything to do with the piss poor job you did fundraising, allocating resources, managing staff, managing media, or basically how you ran your campaign!

When Esch talks about change or a new kind of politics he doesn't really mean it. He is concerned about the politics of the moment. He is a blind and cynical politician who is more concerned about being elected then he is about serving.

He admits to it in the email when he cites (and I wish I was making this up) that the main reason he endorsed Raimondo was to get some free media and prove that he is a moderate Democrat. Otherwise known as pandering -- something his Republican opponent Lee Terry is well known for.

Jim Esch is a first rate joke and doesn't deserve to serve in the United States Congress. And I have a feeling he never will.

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