Monday, May 5, 2008

Not to hate on Tony Raimondo, but...

Tony Raimondo is in the news again today.

Not because he dumped more money into his Senate campaign or attacked his Democratic rival for being a teacher. Not because of another obscene ad buy or pathetic press release.

No, while Raimondo is busy spending hundreds of thousands of his own dollars on a Senate race he isn't going to win -- his company, Behlan, is "slowing down" so to speak. Raimondo is actually admitting that he will have to lay people off!

Raimondo, who has made Behlan's "success" the centerpiece of his campaign, was quoted as saying that nearly 50 workers are vulnerable and that: "The odds are against us that we will get through the summer without layoffs."

This is a serious blow to the premise of Raimondo's campaign. He is hoping that Nebraskans will support him based on his ability to create jobs at Behlen.

That argument should no longer exist.

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