Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tony Raimondo Goes All In for U.S. Senate

Omaha World Herald is reporting this morning that Tony Raimondo has triggered the millionaire's amendment now that he has dumped over $450,000 of his own dollars into the campaign.

This, of course, means that his chief Democratic rival Scott Kleeb can raise $6,900 from individual contributors or three times the federal max.

Overall, Raimondo has raised $552,000 leaving only $102,000 coming from individual donors. This means, as reported by the OWH, that 82% of Raimondo's campaign is coming from his checkbook. (The Federal Election Commission website reports that the $102,000 is coming from just 90 contributors.)

Raimondo is either a terrible fundraiser or really, really lazy.

Kleeb, by contrast, has raised $364,000 from over 1,500 individual contributors -- of which over 90% can donate again. They were quoted as saying: "I think this shows there is a very, very stark contrast between a guy who's giving $450,000 to himself and a guy who has 1,500 people willing to contribute."


Normally, comparing Tony Raimondo to Pat Flynn would be unfair. (...instead of hilarious.) But the FEC reports that Pat Flynn has raised $117,190 -- or $15,000 more than Tony Raimondo.

Honestly, would he even be a serious candidate if he wasn't trying to buy the Senate primary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Raimondo's a joke! We don't need another Pete Ricketts!