Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rasmussen Poll: Kleeb cuts Johanns lead in half

Rasmussen is out with the first post primary poll of the Nebraska Senate race which shows a huge boost to Scott Kleeb. Here are the details of the poll:

Johanns leads Kleeb 55% to 40%, a jump from the last public poll showing Kleeb trailing Johanns by 31 points. Johanns favorable rating sits at 65% compared to Kleeb's 56%, compared to their unfavorable ratings of 32% and 36%. Those with no opinion sit at 3% and 9%.

Other notable statistics include:

Only 17% of Nebraskans think the country is headed in the right direction.

40% of Nebraskans think George Bush is doing a poor job as President. The lowest it has ever polled.

Good news of the Governor, 65% of Nebraskans believe Heinamen is doing a good or an excellent job as Governor.

This poll shows excellent progess for the Kleeb campaign and begins to explain Johanns' recent actions. Feel free and leave your comments on the poll below.


Anonymous said...

Good for Kleeb but it won't mean a thing until they get ahead!

Anonymous said...

I don't buy it. I need to see another poll before I buy that.