Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott Kleeb to Live Blog Tomorrow

Just got this in my inbox: is a progressive blog started by a group of former Edwards supporters and dedicated to advancing a progressive agenda and "more and BETTER" Democratic candidates.

One of the ways we are working to help down-ticket candidates who share our progressive values is by offering them the opportunity to live-blog at EENRblog as a way to get their message out to more people, especially those in their own communities who might not be able to get to a meet-and-greet or afford to attend a fundraiser. So far, we've had a number of Congressional candidates live blog with us (Harry Taylor-NC, Gilda Reed-LA, Charlie Brown-CA to name a few) and Jeff Merkley who is a candidate for the US Senate in Oregon. Tomorrow, Scott Kleeb will be our second Senatorial candidate; he is scheduled to go live at 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain.
Sounds like it could be fun.

I've been fighting off a nasty case of the flu this past week, but I will recap the week today or tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Round Up

  • New poll from Research 2000 (paid for by Daily Kos) paints a very different picture of the Senate race. While last weeks Rasmussen poll showed Kleeb down by 15 points (Mike Johanns 55% - Scott Kleeb 40%), this new poll shows him trailing Johanns 58%-31%. I don't know the first thing about polls, or how to tell a good one from a bad one, but Kyle over at NNN seems to have some concerns about the Research 2000 poll.

  • Dolly A. Butz from the Sioux City Journal reports that Kleeb will be meeting voters at a Hy-Vee in South Sioux City.

  • More talk about Scott Kleeb giving the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention over at Daily Kos. That would be something.

    Not too much else going on so make sure to enjoy your Memorial Day and honor those who have served and are currently serving.
  • Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Scott Kleeb Statement on New G.I. Bill

    With the passing of Senator Jim Webb's "New G.I. Bill for the 21st Century," Scott Kleeb was quick to release the following statement:
    “When we send our soldiers into harms way, we arm them to the hilt, with the latest weaponry and technology. As these brave men and women return home we must continue our commitment to arm them – with the education and training they need to succeed in the 21st Century economy. It is estimated that the return on every dollar spent on the GI Bill after World War II was $7 back into our economy. Investing in the future of this generation of Veterans will do the same. Far more than sound economic policy though, it is our patriotic duty to honor the service of these brave Americans as they re-enter civilian life.”
    The New G.I. Bill would give the same educational benefits to soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan as soldiers in World War II. The bill passed 75-22 and is expected to be vetoed by President Bush.

    Loyal Bushie and current Republican Senate candidate Mike Johanns has been silent on this legislation, although I would suspect he is against it for reasons beyond any sane adult.