Thursday, May 22, 2008

Scott Kleeb Statement on New G.I. Bill

With the passing of Senator Jim Webb's "New G.I. Bill for the 21st Century," Scott Kleeb was quick to release the following statement:
“When we send our soldiers into harms way, we arm them to the hilt, with the latest weaponry and technology. As these brave men and women return home we must continue our commitment to arm them – with the education and training they need to succeed in the 21st Century economy. It is estimated that the return on every dollar spent on the GI Bill after World War II was $7 back into our economy. Investing in the future of this generation of Veterans will do the same. Far more than sound economic policy though, it is our patriotic duty to honor the service of these brave Americans as they re-enter civilian life.”
The New G.I. Bill would give the same educational benefits to soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan as soldiers in World War II. The bill passed 75-22 and is expected to be vetoed by President Bush.

Loyal Bushie and current Republican Senate candidate Mike Johanns has been silent on this legislation, although I would suspect he is against it for reasons beyond any sane adult.


Anonymous said...

I remember at the debate with Raimondo, Kleeb asked him if he would support the New G.I. Bill and then spoke about it in great length and detail.

It's a shame that George Bush and Johanns don't support ACTUALLY supporting our troops! It's all empty rhetoric.

Anonymous said...

We can't afford a GI Bill, troops are paid ridiculously well when on active duty - they can use that money for education.

Anonymous said...

No, our troops are grossly underpaided for the work they do and most can not afford to go to school. Our troops sacrifice their lives for us, the least we can do is provide them with a decent education when they return.

Anonymous said...

Hey anony 3:16 (LOL), you are so wrong its laughable. Why don't you go back to whatever backwash, hick town you came from and support the troops by putting a sticker in your window and calling it a day.

Anonymous said...

I only know one person who served overseas - he left his $8 an hour job and made $4000/month on active duty - when he got back he signed up to go again - he's never made so much in his life. I don't consider that "grossly underpaid".

FYI - I'm not from a hick town.

Snow Plow said...

JJ keep it civil please.

It depends on what branch of the military you are in, where you serve, and in what capacity. Some members of the military get paid good money -- money they can live off. Others do not, mostly lower level ground troops and a large section of the support troops. (i.e. medics)

I think the new G.I. bill is a good one and will provide a strong incentive for civilians to sign up. I served -- and I used what little I got to go to college. It would have been a tremendous help if the U.S. gov't would have provided more.