Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday Afternoon Rundown

Not to much going on today in the U.S. Senate Race but here's a quick rundown on this lazy Thursday afternoon:
  • New Nebraska has a good post up linking then Governor Mike Johanns to the underfunded and understaffed Beatrice State Development Center. Seems Johanns pushed for the closing of similar facilities in Hastings and Norfolk, all the while cutting funding for these crucial problems. It qualifies as a must read.

  • Cartoonist Neal Obermeyer pokes fun at Republicans Johanns and Hal Daub, who recently announced his intention to run for mayor of Omaha again. The cartoon is well drawn and speaks the truth in more ways then one.

  • Scott Kleeb is/was (depending on what time you read this) liveblogging at Daily Kos.

  • KLKN TV out of Lincoln and NET Radio picked up on the Congressional Report linking Mike Johanns to outrageous spending at the USDA during his two year tenure. A recap of that can be found here.
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