Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Daily Kos to Poll Nebraska Senate Race

Kudos to New Nebraska Network cause I missed this.

Kos, founder of Daily Kos, was ranking the U.S. Senate races and his #15 was Nebraska:
Mike Johanns (R) 55%
Scott Kleeb (D) 40%

I polled this race last November and Johanns, the wildly popular former governor of the state (who won his last election with 69 percent of the vote) was crushing Kleeb 59-28. This last poll shows that we may have more of a race on our hands. I've got my second Nebraska poll due out late this week, so we'll see if Rasmussen's numbers are confirmed, or if they're too optimistic.
It will be interesting to see if the Rasmussen poll holds up or if it was just a fluke. I have a feeling Kos' numbers will back up Kleeb's 16 point surge.

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