Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Democratic Candidates Gone Wild!

In a stunning act of stupidity, Congressional candidate Jim Esch has endorsed part-time Democrat Tony Raimondo in the Senate race. According to various media sources they had a deal of some sort. (Esch's dignity for Raimondo's Yu-Gi-Oh cards.)

This is sure to create a fracture within the Nebraska Democratic Party especially if (and I'm betting when) Scott Kleeb wins the Senate primary and Jim Esch is poised for a big win in his respected primary.

For now, I'm tired and sick of party politics. You know where I stand so feel free and debate.


Janelle said...

I'm an Esch supporter, but this, coupled with his plagiarism makes me want to take the Esch sign out of my window. Ugh

The Entire Universe said...
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The Entire Universe said...

Like I have said elsewhere; Raimondo's campaign is a rich man's political joyride. Esch's alliance with him reeks of pandering to a phantom segment of the voting population that apparently both think are stupid enough to vote for a guy whose ads consist of "I'm Tony Raimondo, I'm a great boss, and I want to change Washington!"

Raimondo seems to be campaigning in the same fashion I play golf - I don't know nor do I care to learn how to play golf, but the driving range part sure is fun.

(I deleted the last comment due to a typo I dodn't catch at first.)

Snow Plow said...

Lol! That's a good analysis of our part-time Democrat.