Sunday, May 18, 2008

Draft Scott Kleeb for DNC Keynote Address?

A diarist over at the Daily Kos has an interesting idea for Scott Kleeb and the DNC.

He writes: "Let's just move away from the 2008 election to focus on another big choice for Democrats. That is, who should give the keynote address at the Democratic Convention in Denver...In my opinion, Scott Kleeb should give the Keynote Address at Denver."

They then go on to list four main reasons which I will blockquote below:
He's charismatic, so he should energize the convention and captivate the T.V. audience.

Right now he's running behind in the polls. If he gives the keynote address, the free air time would give him some important momentum that could help make the Nebraska Senate race more competitive.

His humble roots and populist demeanor would help project the right message that Democrats need to win in 2008.

The political fortunes of keynote speakers receive a boost if they do a good job. From what I've seen of Scott Kleeb, I want him to go places! He represents the grassroots politics that this country needs.
Kleeb would be an interesting choice for the DNC and Sen. Obama to select. He reinforces Obama's message of change and a new style of politics. As today's poll shows you, the race for U.S Senate is tighter than most expected. National TV time would boost him in name recognition and fundraising amongst national Democratic donors.

It certainly wouldn't hurt Obama to have a young, unknown candidate give the keynote address which might launch him into a national all star. That story sounds familar...hmmm...


Anonymous said...

You forgot another reason ... HE'S HOT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on Paul! He's an articulate young man with a great vision for this state and this country. But by all means, let's degrade him to a piece of beef.