Friday, May 2, 2008

Johanns' Leadership Doomed Current Farm Bill

An editorial from the High Plains Journal touches on Washington's continued failure to pass a comprehensive Farm Bill. (It's been delayed another two weeks.)

The author, Holly Martin, expresses the frustration of many Nebraska farmers: "...I'm tired of it. It was a long, long time ago when then-U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns kicked off his farm bill listening tour, to much fanfare. He's no longer even in Washington." She goes on to add: "...I'm tired--tired of the bickering; tired of the veto threats; tired of the political posturing."

And no politician is more guilty of political posturing then Mike Johanns -- the perennial quitter and Iowa Farm-boy turned Nebraska Senate candidate.

His so-called listening tour was nothing more than a way to promote his own blind ambition while propping up the Bush Administration. As several members of Congress will tell you, Mike Johanns passed all the "behind the scenes" responsibility to his cohorts while sucking up the good media for himself (ala the listening tour).

With a void in leadership already set in place in the Department of Agriculture, Mike Johanns then resigned his post to run for Senate. A story predicted by the man's own history.

He is now running on that record.

No issue is more important to Nebraska farmers. A strong Farm Bill can literally make or break Nebraskan's economy which has tremendous implications not only for those that farm, but for all Nebraskans.

Mike Johanns had a rare oppurtunity to be a strong voice for Nebraskans in the Bush cabinent. Sadly, he used his position as a stepping stone for higher office.

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