Friday, May 2, 2008

Mike Johanns: Candidate of Change?

Politicians sure love that word "change". Forget the Democrats for a second, let's take a look at Mike Johanns recent ad:

That's right ladies and gentleman, Mike Johanns is the real change candidate in this race.

Seriously, does Johanns think we are stupid or what?

This is the same guy who has quit every office he has held, sold out Nebraska farmers by supporting a pro-big business Farm Bill, supports making Bush's tax cuts for the 1% permanent, and (just in case you forgot...) just got back from Washington as part of the Bush Administration.

But is anyone really surprised about this turn of events. Johanns recently hired former Mitt Romney staffer Sarah Pompei to be his communications director. If that name doesn't sound familir she is the same person who tryed to frame Mitt Romney as the change candidate after his embarrassing loss at the Iowa Caucus. (Change Begins with Us...or something like that...) It didn't work then and it won't work now.

Take for example Johanns recent endorsement by the Chamber of Commerce. The same anti-tax, anti-regulation folks who brought us poisoned pet food, the mortgage meltdown, job loss, declining wages, high gas prices, etc... Is that really change we can believe in? I think not.

Johanns is no more the change candidate than Tony Raimondo, John McCain, or George Bush himself. They all support the same failed policies that have landed our country and this state in the mess we are in today.

Don't get me wrong, Scott Kleeb has a lot to prove to win over this bloggers vote. But he is ten times better then these folks. (Heck, I'd even take Pat Flynn at this point...)


The Entire Universe said...

If you haven't seen enough change - vote Johannes and see what a real douchebag can do!

Snow Plow said...

Thomas, while I share yoru sentiment -- I don't want there to be cursing on this blog. I am leaving this comment up but consider this a warning.

Thanks for understand.