Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Raimondo: I hate the dickens out of polling...

Several news stories today continued the trend of ridiculous and politically ignorant moves by the Raimondo campaign. It's almost like they want to lose.

In an AP interview today, Raimondo tries to defend his "compare and contrast" attack on Scott Kleeb who is apparently not fit to be a U.S. Senator because he is a teacher and went to a good school. (...also known as the dreaded academic.)

Raimondo told Anna Jo Bratton of the AP, "I respect the dickens out of teachers and academia..." He then went on to say, "...and I would be honored to be your next Burgomaster."

Next thing you know he will be advocating for a League of Nations and calling for the destruction of the Soviet Union. (What is it with Republicans and time lines...)

Raimondo is of course deflecting criticism of his statement because it has backfired and most people (especially in a Democratic primary) think it is appalling to call out Scott Kleeb for being a teacher.

Shame on you Barack Obama Tony Raimondo. Moving on...

A fresh off the pages story in the Omaha World Herald proves what we knew all along is that Raimondo is the anti-grassroots candidate who is relying on 100% TV ads to win his campaign.

First of all, the title of the article is "No polls, that's how Raimondo rolls" -- which is hilarious on it's own. Props to the Herald for making me spit my latte on my computer screen.

The article has a soft lead with Raimondo talking about the lack of polling done in the Democratic primary. He has no problem "flying blind" in the Senate race.

Sounds smart. Because if I were investing $450,000 into something I wouldn't want to know anything about the investment. Sounds like my next United States Senator.

The article ends with Raimondo admitting he doesn't have a grassroots campaign or a GOTV effort, but that if he wins he'll get around to it.

Despite hilariously weak spin by other Nebraska bloggers, it is obvious that Raimondo is not running a serious campaign and deserves to get crushed this Tuesday by Scott Kleeb.


Another development I wanted to touch on is the recent collapse of New Nebraska Network's credibility. With real progressive voices like Ryan Anderson and Dave Sund going (off to work for Kleeb and Esch respectively) it seems like the progressive blog is turning toward Republican-lite.

Slowly but surely I find myself checking NNN less and less as its remaining contributing editors continue defending every move by Raimondo and denigrating anyone with a dissenting opinion (i.e. Kleeb supporters). Perhaps after the primary I will find it more readable but it seems unlikely it will ever reach the same audience.

I do not have a self important blogger mentality and I know this week old blog probably doesn't get too many readers but I vow to be the real progressive alternative in this election. It took NNN years to get to where it was and it will probably take me longer.

We'll see. We'll see.

[Update 11:15 P.M.]

Raimondo has a new ad now:

What do you think? My commentary tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

I didn't go on nnn at all today. Yours I have checked. I have to say, I too almost spit my beverage out on the screen.

Snow Plow said...

Well I'm glad to see someone is reading. Any commentary? I'd like to have some discussion around here.

The Entire Universe said...

NNN's credibility hinges on it's ability to accept dissenting points of view (especially at a management level) and this week's loss of Dave Sund, when taken into context with the commentary he's participated in, only strengthens the notion that there are de facto talking points on that blog, and deviation from them will be met with heaps of cynicism, sardonic dismissals, and open mockery.

I'd go out on a (short but nonetheless) limb to say the contributors in question left to preserve their own future credibility, if anything.

Snow Plow said...

I don't want to get into a whole debate on NNN. (although I guess it's my fault for bringing it up!)

Anderson left to go work for Kleeb (he announced his departure on the NNN Live show) and Sund left on his accord but mentioned leaving to go work for a campaign. (Esch I assume...)

I'm really sad. I had planned on just joining the community rather then start up on my own but I don't want to go anywhere where people are run off the way they are at NNN. It's a shame.